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Stem sarcopterygians have primitive polybasal fin articulation 期刊论文
BIOL LETTERS, 2009, 卷号: 5, 期号: 3, 页码: 372—375
作者:  Zhu, Min;  Yu, Xiaobo;  [email protected]
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Pectoral Fin  Tetrapod Limb  Paired Fins  Fish  Evolution  Coelacanth  Origin  
Growth patterns in brooding dinosaurs reveals the timing of sexual maturity in non-avian dinosaurs and genesis of the avian condition 期刊论文
BIOL LETTERS, 2007, 卷号: 3, 期号: 5
作者:  Erickson, Gregory M.;  Rogers, Kristina Curry;  Varricchio, David J.;  Norell, Mark A.;  Xu, Xing;  [email protected]
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American Alligators  Mongolia  Rates  Life  Histology  Lizards  Biology  Curves  Nest  Egg