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The multi-scale fusion reconstruction algorithm of CT and CL 期刊论文
Physica Scripta, 2023, 卷号: 98, 期号: 10, 页码: 105114
作者:  Jia,Tong;  Wei,Cunfeng;  Zhu,Min;  Shi,Rongjian;  Wang,Zhe;  Cui,Xindong;  Liu,Baodong
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computed tomography  computed laminography  multi-scale fusion reconstruction algorithm  paleontological fossils  multilayer printed circuit boards  
古生物ct装置的研制及应用 期刊论文
古脊椎动物学报, 2019, 卷号: 057, 期号: 001, 页码: 84
作者:  王燕芳;  魏存峰;  阙介民;  张文定;  孙翠丽;  舒岩峰;  侯叶茂;  张久昶;  史戎坚;  魏龙
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