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Dietary reconstruction and palaeoecology of Eocene Lophialetidae (Mammalia: Tapiroidea) from the Erlian Basin of China: evidence from dental microwear 期刊论文
HISTORICAL BIOLOGY, 2020, 卷号: 33, 期号: 9, 页码: 12
作者:  Gong, Yan-Xin;  Wang, Yuan-Qing;  Mao, Fang-Yuan;  Bai, Bin;  Li, Qian;  Wang, Hai-Bing;  Jin, Xun;  Meng, Jin
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Inner Mongolia  Eocene  tapiroids  paleodiet  palaeoecology  microwear  
A new early Eocene deperetellid tapiroid illuminates the origin of Deperetellidae and the pattern of premolar molarization in Perissodactyla 期刊论文
PLOS ONE, 2019, 卷号: 14, 期号: 11, 页码: 26
作者:  Bai, Bin;  Meng, Jin;  Mao, Fang-Yuan;  Zhang, Zhao-Qun;  Wang, Yuan Qing
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A new haramiyidan mammal from the Jurassic Yanliao Biota and comparisons with other haramiyidans 期刊论文
ZOOLOGICAL JOURNAL OF THE LINNEAN SOCIETY, 2019, 卷号: 186, 期号: 2, 页码: 529-552
作者:  Mao, Fang-Yuan;  Meng, Jin
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ectotympanic  dental morphology  mandible  Mesozoic  Qishou jizantang  Shenshouidae  Tiaojishan Formation  
中国古近纪综合地层和时间框架 期刊论文
中国科学地球科学, 2019, 卷号: 000, 期号: 001, 页码: 289
作者:  王元青;  李茜;  白滨;  金迅;  毛方园;  孟津
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侏罗纪燕辽生物群贼兽类牙齿发育双出齿和异时发育的证据 期刊论文
古脊椎动物学报, 2019, 卷号: 057, 期号: 001, 页码: 51
作者:  毛方园;  郑晓廷;  王孝理;  王元青;  毕顺东;  孟津
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安徽水阳江流域2017年旧石器考古调查简报 期刊论文
人类学学报, 2019, 卷号: 038, 期号: 002, 页码: 223
作者:  董哲;  裴树文;  袁四方
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Biostratigraphy and Diversity of Paleogene Perissodactyls from the Erlian Basin of Inner Mongolia, China 期刊论文
AMERICAN MUSEUM NOVITATES, 2018, 期号: 3914, 页码: 1-60
作者:  Bai, Bin;  Wang, Yuan-Qing;  Li, Qian;  Wang, Hai-Bing;  Mao, Fang-Yuan;  Gong, Yan-Xin;  Meng, Jin
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First record of Eocene fossil rodent assemblages from the lower part of the Erden Obo Section, Erlian Basin (Nei Mongol, China) and its biochronological implications 期刊论文
作者:  Li, Qian;  Mao, Fang-Yuan;  Wang, Yuan-Qing
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Rodent Fossil Assemblages  Eocene  Nei Mongol  Erden Obo  
Taizimylus tongi, a new eurymylid (Mammalia, Glires) from the upper Paleocene of Xinjiang, China 期刊论文
PALAEOWORLD, 2017, 卷号: 26, 期号: 3, 页码: 519-530
作者:  Mao, Fang-Yuan;  Li, Qian;  Wang, Yuan-Qing;  Li, Chuan-Kui
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Taizicun  Xinjiang  Paleocene  Basal Glires  Eurymylidae  
New material of Eocene Helaletidae (Perissodactyla, Tapiroidea) from the Irdin Manha Formation of the Erlian Basin, Inner Mongolia, China and comments on Related Localities of the Huheboerhe Area 期刊论文
AMERICAN MUSEUM NOVITATES, 2017, 期号: 3878, 页码: 1-44
作者:  Bai, Bin;  Wang, Yuan-Qing;  Mao, Fang-Yuan;  Meng, Jin
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