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A distinguishing feature of Pongo upper molars and its implications for the taxonomic identification of isolated hominid teeth from the Pleistocene of Asia 期刊论文
AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY, 2019, 卷号: 170, 期号: 4, 页码: 595-612
作者:  Ortiz, Alejandra;  Bailey, Shara E.;  Delgado, Miguel;  Zanolli, Clement;  Demeter, Fabrice;  Bacon, Anne-Marie;  Nguyen, Thi M. H.;  Nguyen, Anh T.;  Zhang, Yingqi;  Harrison, Terry;  Hublin, Jean-Jacques;  Skinner, Matthew M.
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enamel-dentine junction  hominids  mesial fovea  protoconule  taxonomy  
Evidence for increased hominid diversity in the Early to Middle Pleistocene of Indonesia 期刊论文
NATURE ECOLOGY & EVOLUTION, 2019, 卷号: 3, 期号: 5, 页码: 755-764
作者:  Zanolli, Clement;  Kullmer, Ottmar;  Kelley, Jay;  Bacon, Anne-Marie;  Demeter, Fabrice;  Dumoncel, Jean;  Fiorenza, Luca;  Grine, Frederick E.;  Hublin, Jean-Jacques;  Anh Tuan Nguyen;  Thi Mai Huong Nguyen;  Pan, Lei;  Schillinger, Burkhard;  Schrenk, Friedemann;  Skinner, Matthew M.;  Ji, Xueping;  Macchiarelli, Roberto
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