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Cranial and dental morphology in a bohaiornithid enantiornithine with information on its tooth replacement pattern 期刊论文
CRETACEOUS RESEARCH, 2022, 卷号: 129, 页码: 18
作者:  Liu, Di;  Chiappe, L. M.;  Wu, Becky;  Meng, Qingjin;  Zhang, Yuguang;  Qiu, Rui;  Xing, Hai;  Zeng, Zhaohui
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Jehol Biota  Enantiornithines  Bohaiornithidae  Cranial anatomy  Dental replacement  
Life history of a basal bird: morphometrics of the Early Cretaceous Confuciusornis 期刊论文
Biol. Lett., 2008, 期号: 10, 页码: 1089
作者:  Chiappe, L. M., Maruga´n-Lobo´, J., Ji, S., 周忠和
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