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亚洲古近纪早期的年代学和哺乳动物群更替 期刊论文
古脊椎动物学报, 2011, 卷号: 49, 期号: 1, 页码: 1-28
作者:  丁素因;  童永生;  William C.;  CLYDE;  Paul L. KOCH;  孟津;  王元青;  Gabriel J. BOWEN;  李茜;  Kathryn E. SNELL
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亚洲  古新世  早始新世  年代学  
New Paleomagnetic and Stable-Isotope Results from the Nanxiong Basin, China: Implications for the K/T Boundary and the Timing of Paleocene Mammalian Turnover 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF GEOLOGY, 2010, 卷号: 118, 期号: 2, 页码: 131-143
作者:  Clyde, William C.;  Ting, Suyin;  Snell, Kathryn E.;  Bowen, Gabriel J.;  Tong, Yongsheng;  Koch, Paul L.;  Li, Qian;  Wang, Yuanqing;  [email protected]
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Cretaceous-tertiary Boundary  Dinosaur Eggshells  Mass Extinction  Paleogene  Recovery  Magnetostratigraphy  Evolution  Province  Section  
An integrated stratigraphic record from the Paleocene of the Chijiang Basin, Jiangxi Province (China): Implications for mammalian turnover and Asian block rotations 期刊论文
EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS, 2008, 卷号: 269, 期号: 3-4, 页码: 553-563
作者:  Clyde, William C.;  Tong, Yongsheng;  Snell, Kathryn E.;  Bowen, Gabriel J.;  Ting, Suyin;  Koch, Paul L.;  Li, Qian;  Wang, Yuanqing;  Meng, Jin;  [email protected]
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Paleocene  Mammals  China  Paleoclimate  Stratigraphy  Paleomagnetism  
An integrated stratigraphic record from the Paleocene of the Chijiang Basin, Jiangxi Province (China): Implications for mammalian turnover and Asian block rotations 期刊论文
EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS, 2008, 卷号: 269, 期号: 41337, 页码: 553—563
作者:  Clyde, William C.;  Tong, Yongsheng(童永生);  Snell, Kathryn E.;  Bowen, Gabriel J.;  Ting, Suyin;  Koch, Paul L.;  Li, Qian(李倩);  Wang, Yuanqing(王元清);  Meng, Jin;  Clyde, WC (reprint author), Univ New Hampshire, Dept Earth Sci, James Hall,56 Coll Rd, Durham, NH 03824 USA.
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