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Exceptional vertebrate biotas from the Triassic of China, and the expansion of marine ecosystems after the Permo-Triassic mass extinction (Reprinted from Earth-Science Reviews, vol 125, pg 199-243, 2013) 期刊论文
EARTH-SCIENCE REVIEWS, 2014, 卷号: 137, 期号: 125, 页码: 85-128
作者:  Benton, Michael J.;  Zhang, Qiyue;  Hu, Shixue;  Chen, Zhong-Qiang;  Wen, Wen;  Liu, Jun;  Huang, Jinyuan;  Zhou, Changyong;  Xie, Tao;  Tong, Jinnan;  Choo, Brian;  Benton, MJ (reprint author), Univ Bristol, Sch Earth Sci, Bristol BS8 1RJ, Avon, England.
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Triassic  Recovery  Reptile  Fish  Permo-triassic Mass Extinction  Macroevolution  
Exceptional vertebrate biotas from the Triassic of China, and the expansion of marine ecosystems after the Permo-Triassic mass extinction 期刊论文
EARTH-SCIENCE REVIEWS, 2013, 卷号: 125, 期号: 000, 页码: 199-243
作者:  Benton, Michael J.;  Zhang, Qiyue;  Hu, Shixue;  Chen, Zhong-Qiang;  Wen, Wen;  Liu, Jun;  Huang, Jinyuan;  Zhou, Changyong;  Xie, Tao;  Tong, Jinnan;  Choo, Brian;  Benton, MJ (reprint author), Univ Bristol, Sch Earth Sci, Bristol BS8 1RJ, Avon, England.
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Triassic  Recovery  Reptile  Fish  Permo-triassic Mass Extinction  Macroevolution