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Ancient mitogenomes reveal a high maternal genetic diversity of Pleistocene woolly rhinoceros in Northern China 期刊论文
BMC ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION, 2023, 卷号: 23, 期号: 1, 页码: 8
作者:  Yuan, Junxia;  Sun, Guojiang;  Xiao, Bo;  Hu, Jiaming;  Wang, Linying;  Taogetongqimuge, Lei;  Bao, Lei;  Hou, Yamei;  Song, Shiwen;  Jiang, Shan;  Wu, Yong;  Pan, Dong;  Liu, Yang;  Westbury, Michael V.;  Lai, Xulong;  Sheng, Guilian
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Woolly rhinoceros  Maternal diversity  Northern China  Dispersal  Pleistocene  
Ancient Mitogenomes Provide New Insights into the Origin and Early Introduction of Chinese Domestic Donkeys 期刊论文
FRONTIERS IN GENETICS, 2021, 卷号: 12, 期号: 0, 页码: 8
作者:  Wang, Linying;  Sheng, Guilian;  Preick, Michaela;  Hu, Songmei;  Deng, Tao;  Taron, Ulrike H.;  Barlow, Axel;  Hu, Jiaming;  Xiao, Bo;  Sun, Guojiang;  Song, Shiwen;  Hou, Xindong;  Lai, Xulong;  Hofreiter, Michael;  Yuan, Junxia
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Chinese domestic donkeys  ancient DNA  mitochondrial genome  maternal lineage  divergence time  
Mitochondrial genomes of Late Pleistocene caballine horses from China belong to a separate clade 期刊论文
QUATERNARY SCIENCE REVIEWS, 2020, 卷号: 250, 期号: 0, 页码: 8
作者:  Yuan, Junxia;  Sheng, Guilian;  Preick, Michaela;  Sun, Boyang;  Hou, Xindong;  Chen, Shungang;  Taron, Ulrike Helene;  Barlow, Axel;  Wang, Linying;  Hu, Jiaming;  Deng, Tao;  Lai, Xulong;  Hofreiter, Michael
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Equus dalianensis  Equus przewalskii  Pleistocene caballine horses  Ancient DNA  Phylogenetic relationship  Divergence time