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Evidence from the Dayao Paleolithic site, Inner Mongolia for human migration into arid northwest China during mid-Pleistocene interglacials 期刊论文
QUATERNARY RESEARCH, 2021, 卷号: 103, 期号: 0, 页码: 113-129
作者:  Ge, Junyi;  Wang, Yinghua;  Shan, Mingchao;  Feng, Xingwu;  Chen, Fuyou;  Wu, Haibin;  Li, Qin;  Zhou, Xinying;  Li, Yan;  Tang, Ruiping;  Olsen, John W.;  Deng, Chenglong;  Gao, Xing
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Glacial-interglacial cycles  Paleoclimatic reconstruction  Hominin occupation  Paleolithic demography  Green corridor  
A geometric morphometric approach to the study of variation of shovel-shaped incisors 期刊论文
AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY, 2019, 卷号: 168, 期号: 1, 页码: 229-241
作者:  Carayon, Delphine;  Adhikari, Kaustubh;  Monsarrat, Paul;  Dumoncel, Jean;  Braga, Jose;  Duployer, Benjamin;  Delgado, Miguel;  Fuentes-Guajardo, Macarena;  de Beer, Frikkie;  Hoffman, Jakobus W.;  Oettle, Anna C.;  Donat, Richard;  Pan, Lei;  Ruiz-Linares, Andres;  Tenailleau, Christophe;  Vaysse, Frederic;  Esclassan, Remi;  Zanolli, Clement
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ASUDAS  Procrustes and non-Procrustes superimpositions  shovel-shape incisors  virtual anthropology