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Correlated evolution of sternal keel length and ilium length in birds 期刊论文
PEERJ, 2017, 卷号: 5, 期号: 0, 页码: 1-11
作者:  Zhao, Tao;  Liu, Di;  Li, Zhiheng
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Birds  Correlated Evolution  Sternal Keel Length  Ilium Length  Early Birds  
Tyrannosaurid Skeletal Design First Evolved at Small Body Size 期刊论文
SCIENCE, 2009, 卷号: 326, 期号: 5951, 页码: 418-422
作者:  Sereno, Paul C.;  Tan, Lin;  Brusatte, Stephen L.;  Kriegstein, Henry J.;  Zhao, Xijin;  Cloward, Karen;  [email protected]
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Theropod Dinosaurs  Cranial Anatomy  North-america  Mechanics  Position  England  Length  China