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Experimental archaeological study in China: implications for reconstruction of past manuring and dietary practices indicated by δ15N values of Setaria italica and Panicum miliaceum 期刊论文
HERITAGE SCIENCE, 2024, 卷号: 12, 期号: 1, 页码: 16
作者:  Ouyang, Huiyong;  Shang, Xue;  Hu, Yaowu;  Feng, Zhizhen;  Liu, Junchi;  Li, Xiaoqiang
收藏  |  浏览/下载:164/0  |  提交时间:2024/03/27
Millet agriculture  Nitrogen stable isotopes  Animal manure  Palaeodiet  Archaeology  
Pottery lipid analysis at the Shangzhai site, Beijing, and its implication for subsistence strategy 期刊论文
SCIENCE CHINA-EARTH SCIENCES, 2023, 卷号: 66, 期号: 8, 页码: 1789-1797
作者:  Lyu, Nanning;  Wang, Tao;  Yu, Jincheng;  Rao, Huiyun;  Han, Bin;  Yang, Yimin
收藏  |  浏览/下载:31/0  |  提交时间:2023/11/02
Shangzhai site  Millet agriculture  Subsistence strategy  Pottery lipid analysis  Stone boiling  
Dietary shifts and diversities of individual life histories reveal cultural dynamics and interplay of millets and rice in the Chengdu Plain, China during the Late Neolithic (2500-2000 cal. BC) 期刊论文
作者:  Yi, Bing;  Liu, Xiangyu;  Yan, Xue;  Zhou, Zhiqing;  Chen, Jian;  Yuan, Haibing;  Hu, Yaowu
收藏  |  浏览/下载:105/0  |  提交时间:2021/09/17
Chengdu Plain  human life history  millet-Rice agriculture  stable isotope (C, N) analysis  subsistence strategy  
The influence of agriculture in the process of population integration and cultural interaction during the Eastern Zhou Period in central-south, Inner Mongolia: Carbon and nitrogen stable isotope analysis of human bones from the Dabaoshan cemetery, Helingeer County 期刊论文
SCIENCE CHINA-EARTH SCIENCES, 2018, 卷号: 61, 期号: 2, 页码: 205-214
作者:  Zhang XinYu;  Zhang Xu;  Suo MingJie;  Wei Dong;  Hu YaoWu
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Dabaoshan Cemetery  Central-south Inner Mongolia  Millet Agriculture  Carbon And Nitrogen Stable Isotope  
Ancient plant use at the site of Yuergou, Xinjiang, China: implications from desiccated and charred plant remains 期刊论文
VEGETATION HISTORY AND ARCHAEOBOTANY, 2013, 卷号: 22, 期号: 2, 页码: 129-140
作者:  Jiang, Hongen;  Wu, Yong;  Wang, Huanhuan;  Ferguson, David K.;  Li, Cheng-Sen;  [email protected]
收藏  |  浏览/下载:184/0  |  提交时间:2013/11/27
Ancient Agriculture  Central Asia  Cereals  Millet  Wood Charcoal  Crop Processing  
Early Neolithic diets at Baijia, Wei River valley, China: stable carbon and nitrogen isotope analysis of human and faunal remains 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL SCIENCE, 2011, 卷号: 38, 期号: 10, 页码: 2811-2817
作者:  Atahan, Pia;  Dodson, John;  Li, Xiaoqiang;  Zhou, Xinying;  Hu, Songmei;  Chen, Liang;  Bertuch, Fiona;  Grice, Kliti;  [email protected]
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Neolithic  Isotope  Millet Agriculture  Northern China  Water Buffalo  
Subsistence and the isotopic signature of herding in the Bronze Age Hexi Corridor, NW Gansu, China 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL SCIENCE, 2011, 卷号: 38, 期号: 7, 页码: 1747-1753
作者:  Atahan, Pia;  Dodson, John;  Li, Xiaoqiang;  Zhou, Xinying;  Hu, Songmei;  Bertuch, Fiona;  Sun, Nan;  [email protected]
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Palaeodiet  Isotope  Millet  Wheat  Early Agriculture  Bronze Age  Hexi Corridor