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Nasal Anatomy of Paradolichopithecus gansuensis (Early Pleistocene, Longdan, China) with Comments on Phyletic Relationships among the Species of this Genus 期刊论文
FOLIA PRIMATOLOGICA, 2010, 卷号: 81, 期号: 2, 页码: 53-62
作者:  Nishimura, Takeshi D.;  Zhang, Yingqi;  Takai, Masanaru
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Nasal Cavity  Maxillary Sinus  Paradolichopithecus Arvernensis  Paradolichopithecus Sushkini  Procynocephalus  Computed Tomography  
Computed tomography (CT) of nasal cavity of Ikechosaurus sunailinae (Reptilia : Choristodera) 期刊论文
CHINESE SCIENCE BULLETIN, 1999, 卷号: 44, 期号: 24, 页码: 2277-2281
作者:  Lu, JC;  Zhu, QZ;  Cheng, XK;  Du, XK;  Lu, JC (reprint author), Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Vertebrate Paleontol & Paleoanthropol, Beijing 100044, Peoples R China.
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Ct Scan  Thermoregulation  Nasal Cavity  Ikechosaurus