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An Early Cretaceous heterodontosaurid dinosaur with filamentous integumentary structures 期刊论文
NATURE, 2009, 卷号: 458, 期号: 7236, 页码: 333-336
作者:  Zheng, Xiao-Ting;  You, Hai-Lu;  Xu, Xing;  Dong, Zhi-Ming;  [email protected]
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Ornithischian Dinosaurs  Feathers  China  Origin  Bird  Sinosauropteryx  
A new Chinese specimen indicates that 'protofeathers' in the Early Cretaceous theropod dinosaur Sinosauropteryx are degraded collagen fibres 期刊论文
PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY B-BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES, 2007, 卷号: 274, 期号: 1620, 页码: 1823-1829
作者:  Lingham-Soliar, Theagarten;  Feduccia, Alan;  Wang, Xiaolin;  Lingham-Soliar, T (reprint author), Univ KwaZulu Natal, Private Bag X54001, ZA-4000 Durban, South Africa.
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Theropod  Sinosauropteryx  Collagen  Protofeather