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The earliest hylobatid from the Late Miocene of China 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF HUMAN EVOLUTION, 2022, 卷号: 171, 期号: 1, 页码: 24
作者:  Ji, Xueping;  Harrison, Terry;  Zhang, Yingqi;  Wu, Yun;  Zhang, Chunxia;  Hu, Jinming;  Wu, Dongdong;  Hou, Yemao;  Li, Song;  Wang, Guofu;  Wang, Zhenzhen
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Yuanmoupithecus  Hominoid  Gibbon  Yuanmou  Fossil  Phylogeny  
A juvenile skull of Acerorhinus yuanmouensis (Mammalia: Rhinocerotidae) from the Late Miocene hominoid fauna of the Yuanmou Basin (Yunnan, China) 期刊论文
GEOBIOS, 2013, 卷号: 46, 期号: 6, 页码: 539-548
作者:  Lu, Xiaokang;  Lu, XK (reprint author), Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Vertebrate Paleontol & Paleoanthropol, Key Lab Vertebrate Evolut & Human Origins, Beijing 100044, Peoples R China.
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Acerorhinus  Aceratheriinae  Ontogeny  Cladistic Analysis  Late Miocene  Yuanmou  Hominoid Fauna  
Tooth wear difference between the Yuanmou hominoid and Lufengpithecus 期刊论文
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRIMATOLOGY, 2005, 卷号: 26, 期号: 2, 页码: 491-506
作者:  Liu, W;  Zheng, L;  Liu, W (reprint author), Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Vertebrate Paleontol & Paleoanthropol, POB 643, Beijing 100044, Peoples R China.
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Yuanmou Hominoid  Lufengpithecus  Tooth Wear  
Paleomagnetic age and palaeobiological significance of hominoid fossil strata of Yuanmou Basin in Yunnan 期刊论文
SCIENCE IN CHINA SERIES D-EARTH SCIENCES, 2004, 卷号: 47, 期号: 5, 页码: 405-411
作者:  Yue, LP;  Zhang, YX;  Qi, GQ;  Heller, FA;  Wang, JQ;  Yang, LR;  Zhang, R;  Yue, LP (reprint author), Northwest Univ, Ley Lab Continental Dynam, Minist Educ China, Dept Geol, Xian 710069, Peoples R China.
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Yuanmou Basin  Hominoid  Paleomagnetism  Chronology  
Preliminary study on enamel microstructure of Yuanmou Miocene hominoids of China 期刊论文
SCIENCE IN CHINA SERIES D-EARTH SCIENCES, 2003, 卷号: 46, 期号: 11, 页码: 1142-1150
作者:  Zhao, LX;  Zheng, L;  Gao, F;  Jiang, C;  Zhao, LX (reprint author), Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Vertebrate Paleontol & Paleoanthropol, Beijing 100044, Peoples R China.
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Early Hominid Origin  Yuanmou Hominoid  Enamel Microstructure  Dental Development  
The diet of the Yuanmou hominoid, Yunnan Province, China: An analysis from tooth size and morphology 期刊论文
ANTHROPOLOGICAL SCIENCE, 2002, 卷号: 110, 期号: 2, 页码: 149-163
作者:  Wu, L;  Feng, G;  Liang, Z
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Miocene Hominoid  Diet  Tooth Size  Tooth Morphology  Yuanmou Hominoids  
Statistical analyses of metric data of hominoid teeth found in Yuanmou of China 期刊论文
CHINESE SCIENCE BULLETIN, 2000, 卷号: 45, 期号: 10, 页码: 936-942
作者:  Liu, W;  Zheng, L;  Jiang, C;  Liu, W (reprint author), Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Vertebrate Paleontol & Paleoanthropol, Beijing 100044, Peoples R China.
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Human Origin  Yuanmou Hominoid  Dental Metrics  Statistical Analyses