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Comparative microstructural study on the teeth of Mesozoic birds and non-avian dinosaurs 期刊论文
ROYAL SOCIETY OPEN SCIENCE, 2023, 卷号: 10, 期号: 5, 页码: 13
作者:  Wang, Yan;  Li, Zhiheng;  Wang, Chun-Chieh;  Bailleul, Alida M. M.;  Wang, Min;  O'Connor, Jingmai;  Li, Jinhua;  Zheng, Xiaoting;  Pei, Rui;  Teng, Fangfang;  Wang, Xiaoli;  Zhou, Zhonghe
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bird  non-avian dinosaur  diet  tooth  dentin  enamel  
Incremental growth of therizinosaurian dental tissues: implications for dietary transitions in Theropoda 期刊论文
PEERJ, 2017, 卷号: 5
作者:  Button, Khai;  You, Hailu;  Kirkland, James I.;  Zanno, Lindsay
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Dinosaur Teeth  Therizinosauria  Von Ebner  Dentin  Enamel Microstructure  Histology  Tooth Growth