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The palaeoenvironment of the middle Miocene pliopithecid locality in Damiao, Inner Mongolia, China 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF HUMAN EVOLUTION, 2017, 卷号: 108, 页码: 31-46
作者:  Sukselainen, Leena;  Kaakinen, Anu;  Eronen, Jussi T.;  Passey, Benjamin H.;  Harrison, Terry;  Zhang, Zhaoqun;  Fortelius, Mikael
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Stable Isotopes  Ecometrics  Hypsodonty  Precipitation  Faunal Similarity  Nei Monggol  
Small mammal tooth enamel carbon isotope record of C-4 grasses in late Neogene China 期刊论文
GLOBAL AND PLANETARY CHANGE, 2015, 卷号: 133, 期号: 0, 页码: 288-297
作者:  Arppe, Laura;  Kaakinen, Anu;  Passey, Benjamin H.;  Zhang, Zhaoqun;  Fortelius, Mikael
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C-4 Vegetation  Carbon Isotopes  Laser Ablation  Tooth Enamel  Rodent  East Asian Monsoon  
Here be Dragons: Mesowear and tooth enamel isotopes of the classic Chinese "Hipparion" faunas from Baode, Shanxi Province, China 期刊论文
ANNALES ZOOLOGICI FENNICI, 2014, 卷号: 51, 期号: 1-2, 页码: 227-244
作者:  Eronen, Jussi T.;  Kaakinen, Anu;  Liu, Li-Ping;  Passey, Benjamin H.;  Tang, Hui;  Zhang, Zhao-Qun;  Eronen, JT (reprint author), Univ Helsinki, Dept Geosci & Geog, POB 64, FI-00014 Helsinki, Finland.
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Diet and environment of a mid-Pliocene fauna from southwestern Himalaya: Paleo-elevation implications 期刊论文
作者:  Wang, Yang;  Xu, Yingfeng;  Khawaja, Sofia;  Passey, Benjamin H.;  Zhang, Chunfu;  Wang, Xiaoming;  Li, Qiang;  Tseng, Zhijie J.;  Takeuchi, Gary T.;  Deng, Tao;  Xie, Guangpu
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Stable Isotopes  Paleo-diet  Paleo-temperature  Paleo-elevation  Himalaya  Tibetan Plateau  
Strengthened East Asian summer monsoons during a period of high-latitude warmth? Isotopic evidence from Mio-Pliocene fossil mammals and soil carbonates from northern China 期刊论文
EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS, 2009, 卷号: 277, 期号: 3-4, 页码: 443-452
作者:  Passey, Benjamin H.;  Ayliffe, Linda K.;  Kaakinen, Anu;  Zhang, Zhaoqun;  Eronen, Jussi T.;  Zhu, Yanming;  Zhou, Liping;  Cerling, Thure E.;  Fortelius, Mikael;  [email protected]
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East Asian Monsoon  c(4) Vegetation  Stable Isotopes  Fossil Tooth Enamel  Summer Monsoon